Professional scale and polish
Either you wish to keep the health and beauty of your teeth or you would like to find a solution to your dental problems, our tooth wellness program is perfect for you.
Either you wish to keep the health and beauty of your teeth or you would like to find a solution to your dental problems, our tooth wellness program is perfect for you.
Either you wish to keep the health and beauty of your teeth or you would like to find a solution to your dental problems, our tooth wellness program is perfect for you.
During the complex treatment of the teeth, the gums, the lips and the full mouth, our professional dental hygienists will help your smile to be confident and bright. With us it is more than only a scale and polish. Be our guest and enjoy the experience!
The process will start with applying a pleasant fruit tasting gel with mild anasthetic effect to the gums. Though the treatment is painless with this gel any inconvenience caused by the sensitiveness of the teeth can be avoided. After the treatment there is no need for eating and drinking restrictions as the gel has only a very mild effect.
The first step is the ultrasonic scaling of the teeth. The ultrasonic device enables the dentist to remove the tartar* sticked to the teeth without damaging the tooth enamel. This step can be accompanied by a manual removal of the tartar in case the tartar is under the gum edges or between the teeth.
This step is followed by the Air Flow Treatment when a fine mixture of air, water and seasalt powder is blown on the surface of the teeth. It has whitening, cleansing and disinfectant effect and makes the tooth surfaces totally smooth so that the teeth will remain clean for longer as less dental plaque and tartar can stick to them.
The seasalt is 100% natural so no side effects or allergic reaction can occur. This treatment is beneficial for everyone but particulary recommended to those prone to develop tartar quickly and those with teeth difficult to clean (e.g. wearing braces).
As a roundoff a moisturizing gel with hyaluronic acid is applied to the gum to regain its firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is well known for its anti aging properties and widely used in cosmetics as an antioxidant.
Apart from the tooth cleaning treatments tooth whitening or tooth contouring are also available in the VitalCenter clinics.
During the tooth cleaning your teeth will gain back their original shade. During the tooth whitening your teeth will be lighter in shade than originally, without damaging your teeth. You can read more about tooth whitening HERE.
During tooth contouring the visible front edges of your teeth are polished with a special device. With this method the slight (under 1mm) unevennesses of the front edges can be smoothened. This treatment is not harmful to the teeth. On the contrary, by eliminating the tiny chippings of the teeth it protects the teeth from further fracture.
With tooth contouring the aesthetics of the teeth can be improved also. Some of our patients reported that after tooth contouring their teeth looked like they had completed an orthodontic treatment.
In order to maintain your dental condition achieved during the treatments your dental hygienist will give you personalized oral hygiene advices. You can have information on the proper tooth cleaning techniques as well as applying special tooth cleaning devices like interdental brushes in personalized sizes.
Tartar consists of the dental plaque and the minerals dissolved in the saliva. It builds up mainly at places difficult to clean, between teeth and at the meeting point of the teeth and the gum. Due to its coarse surface bacteria normally present in the mouth can easily colonize it. These bacteria produce enzymes and acids which damage the tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.
If not treated properly the inflammation of the gum leads to the more serious condition of periodontal diseases. As the condition evolves, the tissues holding the teeth get irreversibly damaged and the teeth loosen or even fall out.
You urgently need an oral hygiene treatment if you experience any of the followings:
To prevent all the abovementioned it is recommended to have a scale and polish every half a year, especially in case of pregnant women and those over 40.
If your oral hygiene is not adequate it will effect your teeth and gum. Dental plaque and tartar will build up which are easy for the bacteria to spread. It leads to conditions such as tooth decay, gum diseases and unpleasant breath.
Prevent tooth and gum diseases! Visit VitalCenter regularly for a dental check-up and a scale&polish!
A regular dental check up repeated in every six months will make your dental treatments simpler, quicker and more effective, because any conditions might be present will be detected at a much earlier phase.
A dental check-up in every half a year will enable detecting the problems – like tooth decay – at an early phase, when they are small and hardly visible. The scale and polish can be done during the regular check-up.
You can ask your dentist to work out a personalized prevention plan for you. The dentist will take your personal risk factors into account, such as the shape and the position of the teeth, the bacterial flora of your mouth, your eating habits, your physical activity and your general lifestyle.
In addition, you can have personalized dental hygiene advices and prevention treatments such as tooth polishing and correction of the unevennesses by filling them up.
The dentist will specify the necessary frequency of the dental visits in cooperation with the patient. The average frequency is 6 months.
Ideally, tooth brushing has to be done three times a day. (But at least after your breakfast and evening meal.)
Removing the plaque is very important. Tooth brushing will help to keep the surfaces of the teeth and the gum clean by removing the plaque. The dental plaque colonized by bacteria is the main reason for tooth decay and gum diseases. The bacteria are normally present in your mouth. With effective oral hygiene their acid producing activity can be restricted.
It’s recommended to use a toothbrush with a small head and soft synthetic bristles. The toothbrush has to be replaced in every three months or if the bristles are worn out. The toothpaste has to contain adequate amount of fluorine, and the proper toothbrushing technique is very important as well.
Additionally, you can use dental floss or interdental brush, which will help to remove the plaque and food residues from between the teeth. Using electric toothbrush or mouth shower is recommended also, but these are considerably higher in price than simple toothbrushes.
Your food intake has a serious impact on the health of your teeth. Eating high levels of carbohydrates generally considered as a risk factor in developing dental problems, but please note that almost all food contains carbohydrates so nearly all meals can contribute to tooth decay.
There are certain types of food though that pose a higher risk for your teeth. Apart form the food high in carbohydrate these are food with high acid levels and food remaining in the mouth for a longer period.
However there are certain types of food that protect your teeth from decay. Some examples are fats rich in vitamines (containing fatty acids that help neutralizing acids in the mouth), some kind of proteins, like casein (milk protein), that prevent the tooth enamel from losing minerals, and polyphenols in chocolate with anti-bacterial effect.
Principles of healthy nutrition:
Fluorine is a chemical element found in the tooth enamel making it resistant to bacteria.
It is scientifically proven that fluorine prevents tooth decay and therefore contributes to the health of the mouth. It can be applied locally also (in toothpastes or mouth rinses).
Many food contain fluorine in small amounts, eg. fish, spinach, tea) but the amount is often insufficient. Tap water or mineral water might also contain fluorine.
The appropriate amount is very important as too high intake can have a toxic effect, indicated by white to brownish patches on the teeth. Please ask your dentist’s advice about your recommended personal intake.