1. Make contact

You can contact us through our web page by filling out the “Contact” form or on the +3613404518 phone number. Our international customer service will call you back shortly after your registration to answer your questions and / or to set a date with you for your trip to Budapest.

If you already have an x-ray, send us your x-ray by e-mail, accompanied by a description of your needs. Your comments are important as they allow our dentists to offer the optimal solution. VitalCenter will answer you by sending you a treatment plan based on the information that is visible from the x-ray.

2. The treatment plan

The treatment plan is not just a quote. After consulting your x-ray our surgeons will write your treatment plan with detailed information about each procedure, the exact rates and the number of visits to our office and for each visit in Budapest the length of stay. So you do not have surprises when you arrive in Budapest, the treatment plan stating details of work to do. Please note that some dental problems cannot be seen on the x-ray but only through an office visit in the presence of the dentist (eg. caries, teeth moving…).

3. Travel planning

Your consultant will give you all the help to organize your stay in Budapest. He/she will help you to find and book accommodation, arrange your airport transfer return and offer cultural programs in Budapest.

4. Dental treatments in Budapest

By choosing Vitalcenter you choose a high-end firm where quality of care and supervision paramedics are fundamental. Time in the waiting room is minimized and you immediately receive the welcome and attention of our staff. Your speaking counselor is present from arrival to recap with you the contents of your care and your needs. At Vitalcenter you can forget the hours spent waiting in crowded waiting rooms. At all levels, you, your experience, your potential anxiety with respect to dental care is taken into consideration.

Call us!