At VitalCenter a periodontist specialist and a dental hygienist are available for treating patients with periodontal diseases!
At VitalCenter a periodontist specialist and a dental hygienist are available for treating patients with periodontal diseases!
Bacteria causing gingivitis (gum inflammation) are normally present in the mouth. Gum inflammation is the abnormal increase of these bacteria. Swollen, bleeding or even slightly painful gum can all be the signs of this illness.
A typical reaction in this condition is to avoid the affected areas when toothbrushing though the condition will only worsen by this. In case of gingivitis the affected areas has to be cleaned gently with a soft bristled toothbrush a couple of times a day, even in case of bleeding. Using anti-bacterial mouthwash can be very effective also.
Please note that these measures will only be effective if you visit your dentist and have a professional in-chair scale and polish. If you follow the dentist’s recommendations, your symptoms will resolve in 7-10 days.
Untreated gingivitis might lead to the more serious condition of periodontal disease, that can result even in chronical bacterial infections spread to your heart or joints.
Smoking often conceals the formation of gingivitis and reduces the pain associated. As a result smoking patients tend to realize the condition and visit their dentist too late. If you are a smoker it is highly recommended to have a regular check-up with your dentist!
In order to avoid gingivitis try to keep the rule of brushing thrice a day, use fluorine toothpaste and dental floss and have a dental scale and polish twice a year.
At VitalCenter a periodontist specialist and a dental hygienist are available for treating patients with periodontal problems!
Periodontal diseases include all the conditions where the tissues holding the teeth (the gum, the periodontal ligament and the dental alveolus) are involved.
Not very long ago these conditions were considered as incurable. But today there are procedures available that can be applied with full success.
These conditions are widely present and can occur at any age. It is statistically proven that the periodontal disease rate for the age group 40+ is as high as 80%.
It is important to distinguish between gingivitis (gum inflammation) and periodontal diseases. Gingivitis affects only the gum and in most cases it is a mild condition that is easy to cure. Periodontal diseases affect the tissues holding the teeth and need more serious intervention as it might lead to teeth loss and even illnesses in other parts of the body.
It is important to take care of minor symptoms also as the main symptoms, like teeth loosening and pain might occur at a later phase only. The initial symptoms can be colour change of the gum, gum bleeding during brushing your teeth or receding of the gum.
In periodontal diseases there is always a background of bacterial infection. In case of gingivitis (gum inflammation) the bacteria settle only in the gum-teeth line. In case of periodontal diseases the inflammation reaches deeper. Suppressed immune activity can facilitate the process.
Meticulous tooth brushing, teeth free of cavities with no missing tooth, in-chair scale and polish in every 6 months, can all be really effective in order to reduce the risk of periodontal diseases.
If the disease already developed medical treatment is always necessary. During the treatments further spreading of the condition is prevented by a scale and polish.
In case of gingivitis the scale and polish treatment includes ultrasonic and manual removal of the tartar followed by a bicarbonate air-flow tooth polish. Then the dental hygienist applies an antibacterial rinse to the parts covered by the gum. During a minor surgery the dentist opens the gum and applies antibacterial treatment if it is necessary. To restore receded gums plastic surgery can be used to gain back aesthetics of the teeth and eliminate sensitivity.
In periodontal diseases the abovementioned are carried out also. The only difference is that the under gum cleaning might be extended as deep as the end of the roots in order to fully remove the plaque. In most cases the treatments are completed with antibiotic medication.
The process will last for about 30-60 minutes and includes the removal of the tartar stick to the teeth and to the edge of the gum. Manual and ultrasonic tools are used. In addition the polishing of the teeth might be done with a hand piece or air-flow.
Removing the tartar is essential to eliminate the build-ups at the edge of the gums and between the teeth which may lead to gingivitis. Main symptoms of gingivitis can be painful or bleeding gums. Untreated gingivitis can transform into the irreversible trophy of the tissues holding the teeth and can result even in tooth loss.